Adult Activities

The De Soto UMC is home to several groups and activities to connect our community members. We are here to support you in your journey for spiritual and personal growth. See our full listing of groups below and view our calendar for all upcoming meetings and events.
Welcome to the family!
Adult Sunday School
Our Church has an active Adult Sunday School class that meets each Sunday at 9:00 am, September through May.
Our studies have helped us learn more about the books of the Bible. There is always coffee and conversation no matter the topic at hand.
Bible Study
Short-term Bible studies are offered seasonally.
Please check the current newsletter or church calendar for details.
Coffee Talk
Join Pastor Kim and fellow friends on Wednesday mornings for coffee and conversation at a local cafe in De Soto.
Please check the current newsletter or church calendar for times and locations.
Chancel Choir
The adult Chancel Choir meets Wednesdays at 6:00 pm in the sanctuary. We invite ANYONE who wants to sing to the Lord to join us – no experience needed!
We sing on the first and third Sundays of the month.
For questions and more information, please contact Gayle Moriarity, choir director, at [email protected].
United Methodist Women
United Methodist Women (UMW) is a mission-driven organization, supporting various mission and outreach organizations. ALL women of the Methodist church are members and are welcome to attend all business meetings as well as events and activities. Meetings and other activities are announced in the newsletter and church bulletin.
Annual UMW Events
- Valentine boxes in February: Pack goodies in boxes to send to our college students.
- Spring Fling in April: Crafts and luncheon fundraiser.
- Bierocks Sale for De Soto Days in August: Make and online sales.
- Election Day Dinner in November: Make and serve community dinner.
- Advent Dinner in December: Dinner for women of the church.
- Cookie Walk in December: Make and sell cookies for fundraiser.

For more information, please contact Gayle Moriarity, UMW president, at [email protected].
Reading Circle
This group of women gathers to discuss the current month’s reading selection at 11:00 am on the third Tuesday of the month.
Contact Linda Patton at [email protected] to learn more.
Silver Circle
Gathering on the second Monday of the month at 1:00 pm, this women’s group meets for a Bible lesson and fellowship.
Contact Laura Huffman for more information at (913) 585-1663.
(No meetings in January, June, or July.)
Agape Circle
Agape is a gathering of women to authentically connect with one another. We collectively choose a topic, book or study to discuss.
By doing so we’re strengthening our relationships with God & each other.
We meet the first Monday of each month at 6:30 pm at Linda Rumsey’s house.
United Methodist Men
The mission of the United Methodist Men’s organization is, simply, to help our Methodist Men grow in Christ.
How do we do that at our church? We do that by following Christ’s teachings to: “love one another as I have loved you”.
On the 3rd Saturday morning of each month, our Methodist Men gather together for about 1 hour (8:00 am – 9:00 am) at a breakfast fellowship to socialize and better acquaint ourselves with each other.
A devotional is also presented, allowing us to comment freely about how it may or may not pertain to our own lives. Our Methodist Men’s organization also provides financial assistance to our church and community and labor for projects.

If you would like to find out more about joining the United Methodist Men, please contact Jim Walker at [email protected].