Our Care & Outreach Ministries

Team Emmaus

We visit those who cannot come outside of their houses, for Holy Communion every month. As we share Communion and fellowship, we experience Jesus’ presence at the house in Emmaus. 

Congregational Care Ministry

Care ministry is very essential as we are called to be one body and family of faith to love one another. Our Congregational Care Ministers visit, pray with, and call our congregants who are facing surgery or loss, are sick, or need care and connection with the church.

Outreach Ministry

The goal of the Outreach/Mission committee is to provide volunteers with opportunities to serve our immediate and surrounding Kansas City areas. It may be doing hands-on activities or indirect collections. We serve both children & adults through various social service agencies.

  • Blessing Box: Anyone can donate as much non-perishable food as they want to the Blessing Box – and anyone can take as much as they need.
  • Adoption of children for Christmas gifts: We adopt children in need through the local school district and prepare for their Christmas gifts.
  • The Hub Argentine: Our youths and adults volunteer in a variety of ways through the community center, The Hub Argentine.
  • Community Cookout: We invite the people of our community to share food and fellowship.
  • Hillside Nursing Home Service: Each month we have a hymn-singing worship service at the Hillside Nursing Home in De Soto.
  • Thanksgiving meal: As we approach Thanksgiving, we purchase grocery bags full of ingredients for Thanksgiving dinner to gift to families in need through our local grocery store and the Food Pantry.
  • Supporting local Food Pantry: We donate items or financial gifts to our local Food Pantry for those in need in our community.
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