Meet Our Staff

Rev. Young Je Kim | Pastor

Hello!  I originally came from South Korea and served churches in South Korea, New Jersey, Nebraska and Virginia before I came to De Soto.  Now, I am so happy to be called as a Kansan! 

In ministry, I am passionate about inspirational worship, healthy families in faith, hospitality for those beginning their new faith journey, growth of next generations, care of former generations, and listening to people to learn about them. 

God has led me to learn and grow at Hyupsung University, South Korea for my Bachelor of Theology, Methodist Theological Seminary, South Korea for Master of Theology, Drew Theological Seminary, NJ for my Master of Divinity and currently Daybreak University, CA in a Marriage and Family Therapist course.

I am blessed to be called a husband and a dad.  My wife and I have been married since 2006 and have two daughters.  When I am not in the role as a pastor, I enjoy spending time with my family, traveling, walking, playing board games and watching movies together.

Open Position | Children, Youth, and Family Ministries Coordinator

We are hiring! Like working with children & teens? Having fun? Encouraging others in their relationship with God? This may be the job for you!

Email your resume to [email protected].

Anne Simpson | Admin. Assistant

I have been a member of De Soto United Methodist Church since 2022.  From the first day I walked into the Spring Fling to check it out, I have felt at home.  My family lives close to the church.  My daughter and her husband live south of De Soto with their three children.  All three children participate in church activities with me.  My son has Down syndrome and is nonverbal.  My heart fills with love and joy when I see how church members have welcomed him.  He asks me all week, “When are we going to church?” I have been involved in the United Methodist Women and Sunday School, and of course the highlight of my week, Cause Coffee on Wednesdays.  De Soto United Methodist Church is my spiritual home, and I treasure the relationships I have with members.

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